Having a credit card seems to be one of college student way of life nowadays. Basically credit card gives college student a lot of advantages and can be a tool for college student to learn managing their finance. College student credit card can be a double edge sword if it is used with a wrong manner. Try to use it wisely and control the monthly budget to avoid excessive use of credit card that can lead college student into credit card debt.
There is a lot of type of college student credit cards that is offered by credit card companies. Usually those companies will offer very low interest rates or zero percent interest for college student which I think is a very good chance for college student. Low interest rates will be very beneficial when college student need to borrow some cash and it is also a good opportunity for college student to build a good credit record that will be useful when they apply for regular credit card after they graduate. I'm sure that it will be easier to build a good credit record with a very low or even zero interest rates .
More benefit of having a college student credit card is that you can get credit card rewards that you can never get by using a debit card, cash, or checks. Student credit card reward programs usually include airline rewards, cash back, and other merchandise programs. Look interesting right? Well, it can be a very nice addition that comes in handy at times.
Now, are you ready to make a student credit card? All I can say is "use it wisely and you'll get all the benefit you can get from it."
There is a lot of type of college student credit cards that is offered by credit card companies. Usually those companies will offer very low interest rates or zero percent interest for college student which I think is a very good chance for college student. Low interest rates will be very beneficial when college student need to borrow some cash and it is also a good opportunity for college student to build a good credit record that will be useful when they apply for regular credit card after they graduate. I'm sure that it will be easier to build a good credit record with a very low or even zero interest rates .
More benefit of having a college student credit card is that you can get credit card rewards that you can never get by using a debit card, cash, or checks. Student credit card reward programs usually include airline rewards, cash back, and other merchandise programs. Look interesting right? Well, it can be a very nice addition that comes in handy at times.
Now, are you ready to make a student credit card? All I can say is "use it wisely and you'll get all the benefit you can get from it."